Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eye See Saskatchewan Hospitality

Had some minor surgery on my eye on Monday to repair a cut of the cornea. Not sure how it got there but nevertheless.
It is incredible how painful it is. The doctor gave me some ointment which has to be put in four times a day. That was ok for
Monday as Louise was able to lay a strip of this gooey ointment in the bottom sack under the eye. But Tuesday I had to go on the road for a couple of nights to make some calls in our southern Saskatchewan territory. Almost impossible to put this stuff in by yourself without further damaging your eye by poking it. So I decided to stop at small town Saskatchewan hospitals and see if the nurses would do it for me. They did and they were super helpful. One even took some solution and cleaned the eye really good before putting the ointment in. Didn't have to sit in a waiting room or even register. So my thanks to the nurses at
Eston Hospital, Moose Jaw Union Hospital (two times - once Tuesday night and once on Wednesday morning and to the nurse at the Avonlea Extended Care Home. Nice to be able to have that kind of help. Funny how things changed once I got to the big city of Regina. Went to a medical clinic and the nurse on duty was not allowed to put in the ointment. Had to register and see a doctor and only he could do it. Don't think it would have anything to do with money do you? Nah it couldn't, could it ?

1 comment:

  1. Oh for goodness sakes, give me a break! Really? Seems like this nurse in Regina was afraid to take charge!
