Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Brilliant Man

I had to have one of those heart stress tests done today. While we were on holidays in Prince Edward Island my blood pressure went to 215 over 195. Louise took me to emergency in Charlottetown and they pumped something into my veins to lower the blood pressure. My local Doctor was concerned about heart damage so sent me to this specialist at City Hospital where after 2 and a half hours of testing they could not find any damage. I thank the Lord for that.

But my reason for writing this piece is to tell about the Heart Specialist. I wish I had gotten his name. What a brilliant man.
He interviewed me for thirty minutes. Took my complete history. Every surgery, what medicine I had taken or was taking, what doctors I had seen and so on. And the amazing part he had no pen, no paper and took no notes. Then he and the nurse
spend twenty minutes with me while I ran the tread mill at various speeds and elevations. When that was done and while
the nurse began my cool down he went to his dictaphone and transcribed everything I had told him. All the medications including their strengths etc,
all the surgeries, names of the doctors I had given him and all from memory and no mistakes. I said to the nurse "How does he do that, that is amazing"
The nurse replied "We call him more than amazing, we call him awesome, he does that all the time"
As I said I wish I had gotten his name but what a amazing mind and brilliant memory. Nice to see we have medical people
like that in Saskatchewan.
Did some checking around and made some phone calls: The man's name is Dr. Sharma

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