Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thanks For Sharing

My alarm clock radio woke me early this morning as it seems to have a habit of doing. The first thing I heard, I mean the very first thing was the Bank of Canada forecasting that the recession is going to be much worse than they had predicted.
Well thank you for that. I mean I really want to bounce out of bed this morning and start making my sales calls. Start telling my customers that they should advertise, business is good, people are waiting to buy.
Sometimes I wish these financial people who sit in Ivory towers with their six figure salaries would just shut up. Sure things aren't rosy everywhere but in Saskatchewan, as we crawl out of our igloos, we haven't got it all that bad.
Reminds me of a missionary who once told me. They went to a foreign country where the people didn't have much, were basically quite poor, but they were a happy people. After several years of being there the people were still poor, still didn't have much but they weren't quite so happy anymore. Why? Because the foreigners who had come to visit them, and improve their lot had convinced them they didn't have much so they shouldn't be happy. Sad but true.
So thanks for the cheery news Bank of Canada. But tomorrow can you kind of keep it to yourself.

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