Monday, April 25, 2011

Alaskan Cruise

Another Easter has come and gone. On Good Friday evening our church put on a Tennabrae Service. It was very well done and really helped you focus on the death of Christ and then the resurrection. The distinctive ceremony of Tenebrae is the gradual extinguishing of candles while a series of readings and psalms are chanted or recited. At the right moment the church was put into a total black out which gave meaning to Christ's death on the cross and all the events that went along with it.
Easter Sunday we went out to brunch with friends and that was very enjoyable. We also managed to get the majority of our yard work done over the weekend. So many leaves to rake up and just general stuff lying around.
Over the weekend I got my pond opened up and now all my fish except for two are out of their winter habitat (a freezer filled with water in the garage and ofcourse not plugged in). The fish go dormant in the winter and actually go the whole winter without being fed. I try to fatten them up as much as possible in the fall with the right kind of food and then when the weather gets cold they go to sleep. It's interesting watching them as they float around moving their gills but are pretty much asleep.
Then the exciting part of the weekend. Louise booked an Alaskan cruise for us which we will take in July as part of our 35th wedding aniversary. We are really looking forward to that. We watch the Gaithers quite regularly and a couple of programs highlighted their Alaskan Cruise and the scenery behind them was just spectacular.
Really looking forward to seeing it all first hand and booking some excursions.
I guess you don't want to rush summer but July can't come fast enough because I am really looking forward to that cruise.

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