Sunday, January 3, 2010

Another Christmas Passes By

Christmas and New Year are over and now life begins to return to normal. Jennifer left for home in Ottawa yesterday. Once again there were flight problems. I wonder if these airlines ever think about the stress they cause when they cancel and delay flights. Jenn was to fly out at 11:40am. As is my habit, I checked the internet flight status to find her flight was delayed to 5:40pm. That would have put her into Toronto at midnight. She would have had to get a hotel and fly to Ottawa sunday morning. However I was able to get her the last seat on a flight to Calgary and then direct to Ottawa getting her home by 6pm yesterday. So it worked out but not without stress.
Mom's flight to Kelowna apparently was delayed as well leaving her a long wait in Caglary airport. Two different airlines. Same problem. Not much you can do about it.
I get real busy today and for the next three days with the world junior hockey championship. Today I am working the semi final game between Canada and Switzerland.
Switzerland pulled the shocker of the tournament yesterday with a 3 - 2 overtime win over Russia. Canada should win today but you just never know. The Swiss have a couple of really good players and an excellent goaltender. They like to slow down the pace and there is usually an above average amount of icing the puck in their games which slows down the pace.
Then Monday I am working two games and Tuesday I am working the bronze medal game and hope to get home to watch the gold on TV. Everybody tells me I should stay to watch the gold but I like watching it at home. The crowds are unbelievable. It is wall to wall people. You almost have to take out a second mortgage for a meal or even a drink so as great as the tournament is, and Saskatoon has done it well, I like to watch it all from my own soft comfortable recliner.

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