Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

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Another Christmas has come and gone. It was good to gather again with family and friends.
Tim and Sarah, Jennifer, Garth & Carol, Julie, Shawn and then with Darrel and Rhonda, Carey, Michael and Erica
and Chris.
Gifts, too much food and a chance to get together make this a special Christmas.
All to soon Jenn will return to Ottawa and everyone else to their regular routines.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Marley and me

Went to the movie Marley and Me last night. Diego is much cuter.
Wonder if I should write a book

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone.

The Greatest Gift of All

Though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor, that you through his poverty might become rich.
2 Corinthians 8:9

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Prime Minister Harper just appointed 18 new Canadian Senators. Doesn't matter what party you are from. There are more Liberal senators than anything else.
But heres what Canada's Premier Oinkers (Senators) get:
$alary $130,000 per year
Plus $150.00 per day for each day they show up
This apparently is an incentive to keep them from living in Mexico and collecting their generous salaries
The senate meets approximately 100 days per year - Senators are allowed to miss 21 days and still be paid

Theres More:
Research Grants - $30,000 per year - No-one knows what they research
Office Budget $20,000 per year
Tax Free allowance - $10,100 per year
Free Business Flights for Senators and their families - up to 52 per year
Free telephone calls, faxes and postage - (Both home and office)
Free gym priviledges including equipment and instructors
Subsidized (what does that mean) haircuts-well their hair did grow on company time too you know,
subsidized drycleaning, furniture and limousine rides
Yes, Virginia - there is a Santa Claus and he is funded by the Canadian tax payer
Your thoughts -

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jennifer's home

Jennifer got home last night....well should I say early this morning. Plane was to get into Saskatoon at midnight but instead arrived at 3am so it was a short night. WestJet can now change their slogan from "On Time All The Time" to "On Time Some of the Time". Oh well when you look at all the chaos in the Toronto airport we are grateful that she was "only delayed" and not cancelled. Her flight did not go through Toronto but apparently there was some kind of emergency at Comox which delayed her connecting flight in Calgary.
These things all work great until something goes wrong. Ed and Linda fly through Comox today so here's hoping all goes well for them.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

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-34 to wake up to this morning. Plus a wind blowing snow off the roof.
Winter is here big time

Saturday, December 13, 2008


This is my first attempt at a blog site and being somewhat computer and electronically challenged it has been interesting. The site may or may not get better as time progresses